Episode 32: Being Vision Driven with Tracy Nolin Beerman

How can you get where you want to go without a clear vision of what you want?

Do you know what you're a YES for? Maybe you're more clear on what you're a no for.

Just like a GPS makes arriving at the destination we desire with purpose and intention more likely, so does having a clear vision for the experience you desire to create.

Otherwise, we're spending our energy pushing back what we don't want. Feeling like life is coming at you. Like you’re playing a perpetual game of whack-a-mole.

Something comes up over here and you whack it down. Something comes up over there and you whack it down.

Before you know it you're spending days, weeks, months, and sometimes years always on the lookout for the next thing to whack.

In this episode, I'm chatting with the amazing Tracy Nolin Beerman, and we're diving into what it looks like to regain control, get your joy back and create work/life harmony by creating a life vision and she's sharing her FAB Framework (Focus. Align. Become).

"Every mom needs a life vision. It is about focusing on what you want because clarity is the cure for overwhelm."

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Tracy Nolin Beerman

Tracy Nolin Beerman has been there too. With her experience as a former teacher, a certified Life Mastery Consultant, a yogi with almost 30 years on the mat and the mother of 2 amazing kids (her greatest teachers) she helps busy moms regain control of their lives, get their joy back and find work/life harmony.

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