Episode 33: The 5 Beliefs That Are Hijacking Your Happiness

I can remember so clearly when losing my cool was more than an everyday occurrence, it was how I spent my days.

In this perpetual state of being a hair-trigger away from the yelling, the power struggles and the anxiety that I was doing something wrong. Which also meant I was a hair-trigger away from the guilt and crushing weight of failing once again.

Failing to keep it together. Failing to apply what I know to do. Failing to pause.

I seriously thought there was something wrong with me that I couldn't stay calm. I couldn't figure out how to get my kids to listen or cooperate.

Instead, I was simply working with the wrong formula:

Patience + Cooperation = happiness, calm, peace

If I could only have enough patience and figure out the right strategy/words/tool to get cooperation and listening then I could be happy.

If I could only stay present and grounded, then everything would work itself out.

When I found that actually, the reverse was true, everything changed. When I learned how to access my happiness, calm, and peace from within, I could stay present and grounded and as a result, cooperation and listening began to show up more regularly.

In this episode, I'm giving a sneak-peek into session 1 of the From Losing Your Cool to Finding Your Bliss mini-course and I'm talking all about the beliefs that take you out of bliss and how the current equation you're using will never get you to the happiness and peace you crave.

The course runs LIVE from 4/6- 4/16!

Grab your spot in the course and join me for all 5 sessions here!!

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