Episode 37: A Roadmap to Understanding You & Your Child with Jamie Woodworth

In this episode, I'm joined by my friend and Human Design expert, Jamie Woodworth. Jamie did my Human Design reading over a year ago and I'm really just learning to harness it's power. As a coach said to me recently as I was struggling to give myself permission to make a decision that I knew felt right, "Isn't it like you're fighting against how you're made?"

And, that is it! We've been conditioned to fit in certain boxes and then we judge ourselves or think something's wrong with us when it doesn't feel right. Then, we hold our kiddos to the same standards.

What if you could powerfully work with your design (and you're child's design)?

I recently had Jamie run my boys' charts and let me just say, it makes so much sense and it has shifted how I engage with them in ways that empower and support them.

As Jamie state, "I love helping others to know themselves in a different way and to harness the power of Human Design to step more fully into one's authentic self, and to know the way that their loved ones tick."

It's a powerful episode and as complex as Human Design can be, Jamie breaks it down as she truly believes "that just knowing a few basic things about Human Design can make a world of difference not only for the listener but also with their kids and partners."

Tune in!

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Connect with Jamie:

Website: www.jamiewoodworth.com
Social: https://www.facebook.com/jamie.woodworth.58

Parenting By Design Reading (use coupon code Thrive at checkout before 5/31 for 10% off!)

More about Jamie: She is a Human Design reader and coach with a passion for helping women to know themselves and their loved ones in a deeper way using the tools that Human Design provides us with.

A lover of food, fitness, wine, nature, and ALL.THE.WOO, Jamie is an aspiring authoress and personal development junkie living in the mountains of Colorado (while dreaming of the beach). She believes that by knowing and living as our authentic selves, we give others permission to do the same. And when more of us stand and live in our truth, the world is a better place because of it.

Are you ready to really dive into building the habits & practices that are vital to your well-being and showing up as the mom you want to be (yet, feel utterly impossible to do on your own!)? Are you ready to write the new rules of motherhood that support you to feel good, connect deeply and with intention with your kiddos, and cultivate an amazing partnership?

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