Episode 5: Healing from Stress with Kelly Haugh

I'm so glad you're joining me today because I had the opportunity to chat with my friend Kelly Haugh.

Kelly is a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Stress Resilience and Mental Wellness Trainer, Nutritional Psychology Practitioner, Certified Life Coach, Speaker, Author, and Mental Health Advocate. In other words, she knows her stuff.

Kelly shared with me her story of radically transforming her life when she made changing how she interacted with her stress a priority. She had been living with severe physical manifestations of her chronic stress. Her stress had been compounding and accumulating in her body for years as she was trying desperately to juggle all the balls. It began to come out in physical symptoms.

She knew she needed to take charge & figure out how to manage her stress without it wreaking havoc on her body. She began slowly with mediation & vagus nerve exercises and she started noticing improvements. She continued, adding new practices along the way to support the stress reduction & her overall wellness.

She began to think that just maybe she could turn this around and her biggest desire today is to leave listeners with a sense of hope.

Kelly says it becomes imperative to pay attention to the small steps we can take, the small changes on our path to wellness so that we stay the course. Because doing the work to get to wellness can feel really hard to do. Instead of getting caught up in needing to do self-care perfectly or all at once, start where you can.

"Let what you CAN do be enough."

Allow this to build momentum to create the space & energy to do more. A little, plus a little, plus a little, create a lot.

Kelly reassures us that even when it feels like it may not be working, it’s having a beneficial effect on your body, on your nervous system, on your overall well-being. She warns us of the pitfalls of thinking that we need to wait until this next big thing in our life passes before we can focus on de-stressing. The kids starting school. The bathroom remodel.

We think it takes a lot of energy and/or resources to de-stress.

Like, if we can't get that hour massage it won't work. It won't help. There will always be another big "thing". This is why we focus on baby steps. The ones we can start right now in the midst of those balls we're juggling.

We also discuss the gut/brain connection, the importance of nourishing your body correctly & it's relation to stress levels. In fact, Kelly's latest project is her new book called "Mind your Gut" that she is about to launch. The book is about mindset, health, gut/brain connection, stress/anxiety, and how it's all tied together. (I got to proofread a couple of chapters and I couldn't put it down!!)

Kelly has a freebie for you called "3 Easy Ways to Get Out of Fight or Flight". Grab it here.

So much more goodness from Kelly in this episode.

Welcome to the conversation!

Connect with Kelly:

Facebook group: StressBustersInc

Check out additional episodes:
Episode 2: Why Having Enough Patience in Parenting Isn’t the Goal
Episode 3: How I Know You’re NOT Failing
Episode 4: How to Have the Marriage You Want

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