Episode 17: Creating What You Really Want with Amanda Jane Turner

Hi there! I can't wait to share Amanda Jane Turner with you in today's episode! She is a wife, Mom of 2 and a mindset & leadership coach for ambitious women who are ready to reclaim their lives. (Scroll down for full bio).

Amanda’s so full of wisdom & has such a calm, easy demeanor that I could listen to her talk all day long. The way she explains is so easy to understand and she shares some unique perspectives that I know you’re going to love.

While I’m familiar with most of the concepts Irene & Amanda talk about, I still struggle at times to live them. This is why I truly believe that continuing to listen & expose ourselves to new perspectives helps us grow. Sometimes you hear that thing you already "know" but it’s said in such a way that it sinks a little deeper into your knowing, into your believing. Like the importance of having compassion for ourselves.

"Can you have your own back when you step off the path, when you don't meet your own commitments, when you do things that you thought you wouldn't do or that you don't want to be doing? Can you still hold yourself with really gently hands and say 'I've still got you?'"

Sometimes you hear a completely new perspective that blows your mind. Like what she says about goals & commitments. She doesn't really believe in goals. At least not as a way to create the feelings you truly desire. And isn't that what we are really after? A certain feeling? We think that having & doing will create joy, success, happiness, etc. But it doesn't work like that.

We must work towards the way we want to be and feel through commitments, not goals.

We create the feelings we want from our being, which requires commitment. Goals will not get us there. Goals help us do & have, sure, but they’re missing the point. They don't help us create the feelings we are after. Mind. Blown. I have never thought of it like this before.

I had both experiences. I heard something I already "knew" but it was said in just the right way, sinking it deeper into my knowing. And I heard a totally new perspective that opened new possibilities in my mind. Lucky me:) I love this kind of stuff.

And who knows? Maybe Amanda or Irene says the thing that makes something click for you in a new way. I hope so & I wouldn't be surprised. It's a delightful conversation. Give it a listen! And if you’re so inclined, head on over to Thrive in Motherhood and let us know what hit you just right with this interview. We’d love to hear it! Until then, I'll leave you with Amanda's advice for her younger self because we all need to hear it:

"You are doing exactly what you need to be doing."

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Make sure to grab the PDF of the Concentric Circles Model that Amanda talks about in the episode. Get it here!

Connect with Amanda here:


Instagram: @amandajanecoaching

Amanda Jane Turner

Amanda is a wife and Mom of 2 boys and lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. She coaches ambitious women who are ready to reclaim their lives. They're done giving away pieces of themselves and are ready to take ownership over who they are, what they want, and how they show up. Amanda loves nature, hiking and photography, and travel. She has a stack of books she is reading and notebooks for capturing and linking ideas with her at all times.

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