Episode 20: An Intentional New Year

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood for intentions.  For diving inward.  Doing the inner work.  I love consciousness work but sometimes I get a hangover.  Sometimes I don't want to think about the ultimate responsibility that is mine in creating the life I want.  It feels too heavy.  I just want to relax.  Let life happen to me.  Bask in the bliss of ignorance. 

Because I am tired.  So tired.  Being a mom, especially in 2020, is kind of kicking my butt.  The inner work can feel like too much in addition to everyday life. 

And yet, that is just a perspective.  One that I can shift.

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

What if it didn't require more energy, but rather a shift in where we focus the energy we already have?  What if instead of focusing on the to-do list, we focused on why that to-do list is important?  What will checking off those tasks give us?  What is the feeling we think it will give us?  Focus on that. Cut the middle man of "having" & "doing" and go straight for the actual feeling & experience we want.  The one we think will come once we have this thing or do that thing. This is where we are being invited to set our intention. Where we are being asked to set our sights & commit to.

When we focus on creating the experience, the feeling we want, we care less about the to-do list & how it will get done.  We easily trust that all has its place and will happen as it will. It's all good. This is how we empower ourselves no matter the circumstances.

"If we operate from this place of intention & commitments, we are bringing control back within.  We are creating from inside of ourselves, of what is in our control & operating from that place within our circumstances vs. trying to exert control & force onto our circumstances"

Basically, instead of wasting your time & vital energy trying to make the world behave, shift that energy inward toward creating the feelings you want from the inside. Commit to joy and you will experience it. I promise.

"It's not about an outcome.  It's honoring your values & how you want to show up in your life.  It's doing the work each day to bring you back to this intention & commitment."

The really beautiful thing here is that all of this allows us to let go of the outcome & the self-judgment. We get to detach from external outcomes and focus on the actual experience we want, right here, right now.  How can we feel happy, calm, joyful, today? The present moment is ALWAYS available to pivot, to recommit, to shift. We can always begin, begin again. The only way we influence the future is in the present moment.  So who cares if you "messed up" a minute ago. Who cares if you weren't your best self a second ago. Begin. Begin again. Without judgment. There is no "right" or "wrong". Just keep going with intention & commitment and it will all be okay. It really will.

I have a coach who reminds me all the time that my intention of raising my children with emotional well-being as a top priority is loud & clear to the universe regardless of the "mess-ups" along the way. My intention to support my children's emotional well-being is so strong, that there is plenty of room for human blunders. They are okay. They are not wrong. They are just me figuring it out while trying to keep my compass pointing due north toward my personal values.

I am so glad I listened this morning, instead of putting it off.  It was just what I needed.  This episode was all kinds of empowering, lifting me up, fanning my flame, curing my consciousness hangover. 

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P.S. Let’s keep the conversation going! Join me over in the Thrive in Motherhood group

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